7 comments Thursday, May 29, 2008

At first I figured this must be a parody, but I was wrong. It's part of a real ad campaign for modesty at BYU.

Think Inside The Circle.

That might as well be BYU's motto.

The rest of the posters are here.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with the standards at BYU per se, but the heavy-handed enforcement and propaganda like the above is a different story. They know how to take all the fun out of being good, that's for sure.


"Guitar Hero on the Nintendo DS? How would that work?"

I'm glad you asked.

0 comments Tuesday, May 6, 2008

There are five trees in my yard, and none of them are the same. I've never really known what kind they are. What can I say, Forestry is not one of the Eagle required merit badges. So I've just lived in in ignorance.

Until today.

Thanks to the Texas Tree Planting Guide, I'm fairly confident that I've identified my trees.

Starting in the back yard, going clockwise:

Live Oak. It looks deciduous, but it's really evergreen. Those leaves stay green all winter. This sucker is huge, but we have it trimmed up pretty high. You can hear the branches scraping the second-story rain gutters from inside the house, so it's probably due for another trimming. Drops a lot of acorns, which have to fished out of kids' pockets at laundry time.

Sycamore. This one is nice-sized, too. Very pretty bark. Drops these annoying spiky balls that look like naval mines and wreak havoc on the lawnmower and bare feet, though. At least the kids don't put them in their pockets.

Cedar Elm. I might be reaching with the subspecies, but I'm pretty sure it's some kind of Elm. By far our largest tree. This one seems to rain sticks more than anything else. Until the kids are old enough to mow the lawn, they will have steady employment picking up sticks from around this tree.

Baldcypress. We're in the front yard now. This tree is the opposite of the Live Oak--it looks evergreen, but it's deciduous. Those needles turn brown and fall off in the fall and winter.

Texas Redbud. For about two weeks every spring this tree is the most beautiful thing on our street. Well, except for the other Redbuds, several people seem to have them. For the rest of the year, though, it's kind of a pain. The branches are real twisty and like to grow downward, so I have to trim it almost every year. It gets some love in October, when we hang ghosties from it.

That's it. That's all my trees.


This blog post got me thinking about Facebook and Webkinz, but mostly about the construction "____ is ____ for adults," which I seem to come across a lot. So I Googled it.

God/religion/evolution/romance is a fairy tale/stuffed animal/imaginary friend/Santa Claus for adults. (By far the most common.)

Golf is marbles for adults.

The Army is Boy Scouts for adults.

BSD is Linux for adults.

Serenity is Star Wars for adults.

Shingles is chicken pox for adults.

Gmail is Hotmail for adults.

Prison is timeout for adults.

NewsTrust is Digg for adults.

NYC/Las Vegas is Disneyland for adults.

The Unseen Guest is Cake for adults.

Ikea is Lego for adults.

Ilva is Ikea for adults.

Grey's Anatomy is Dawson's Creek for adults.

Fettuccine alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.

Have you heard of any others?