I wonder if Richard Feynman has this picture hanging up somewhere?
Bonus points if you can count all the theories, conjectures, constants, and cats represented here.
New pictures are up on Flickr. There is a link off to the left, but here it is again. For emphasis.
I really should change the account to Melissa's name, since she's the one who posts all the pictures and writes the captions these days.
Labels: pictures
A little advice for Pants and Shan:
More at Newborn Baby Zone.
Labels: parenting
See if you can follow along.
There is a band from England called Utah Saints. They wrote a song in 1992 called "Something Good." They remixed it in 2008 ("Something Good '08"). Kanye West posted the video to the remix on Vimeo. The premise of the video is that MC Hammer got his moves from a pub in Cardiff, Wales.
Just watch the video. It's hilarious.
[EDIT] The Vimeo link is gone, but here it is on YouTube.
Everything that we're afraid of, from childhood to parenthood.
This would have been interesting to know as a kid. You know how everyone is always telling you "They're just as afraid of you as you are of them" referring to animals, other kids, whatever? Turns out the same goes for parents--their kids scare them to death.
Labels: kids these days
Melissa asked me on my way out the door this morning if I had any good ideas for Cub Scouts tonight. I suggested "Steal the Bacon."
"I don't know that game."
"Google it."
I Googled it today, just to see what she would find if she took me up on my awesome suggestion, and I found this website with like every kids' game know to man.
Well, boy.
And girl.
You have fifteen minutes to name as many elements as you can.
You don't have to know where they go on the chart, but you do have to spell their names correctly.
Ready... GO!
(I got 40 in seven minutes before I gave up. I'm sure some of you out there can fill in the whole chart.)
P.S. What's with elements 112-118? Are they new? I don't remember ever learning them. And talk about unoriginal names.
This past weekend everything got shuffled up at church, so I put together a map to help myself visualize the changes.
The color of the marker indicates what ward that family was in before the shakeup. And I was limited to 100 data points, so I just picked a few families from each ward that appeared on the leadership rosters.
Arlington Texas Stake
Labels: church