I wonder if Richard Feynman has this picture hanging up somewhere?
Bonus points if you can count all the theories, conjectures, constants, and cats represented here.
A Quick Anniversary Note
6 hours ago
I wonder if Richard Feynman has this picture hanging up somewhere?
Bonus points if you can count all the theories, conjectures, constants, and cats represented here.
Labels: science
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Schrodinger's Cat, and Schrodinger's Equation. Pauli Exclusion Principle. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Brillouin Zones. Debye Model, Debye Temperature. Bragg Angle. Dirac Equation. Compton Effect. De Broglie Wavelength. Born Approximation. Borh Model of the Atom. Planck's Constant, Planck length. Lorentz Transformation. Einstein's Theory of General/Special Relativity.
I feel like I'm forgetting what Ehrenfest did. The last quarter of QM just didn't stick in my head.
How about elements? 3 people in the picture have elements named after them. (Curie, Einstein, Bohr)
Also, Feynman died 20 years ago, so I suspect he's hanging out with them. (Not that he believed in an afterlife.)
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