Thursday, June 25, 2009

Regina Spektor has a new album out today. I bought the version with the DVD. Everyone seems to be sticking DVDs in their CDs these days. I guess they feel like they need to give you a reason to buy the CD in the store, what with iTunes and everything.

Speaking of iTunes, I realize I'm in the minority here, but I like albums. Even if I only want one song, I prefer to own the entire album that comes with it. I don't know, it just feels like it belongs to something bigger. Maybe the rest of the album gives context to the song. I can't explain why, but it is incredibly annoying to me whenever I scroll through the songs on someone's iPod and there are all these solitary songs without their full albums. They're like socks without mates or something. Songs belong in albums.

So the whole iTunes business model has never appealed to me. I have never felt ripped off because I bought an album for one song and never listed to the rest of it, I guess. If anything, it's the opposite with me--there might be one song on the disc that I skip. So why pay $13 for an iTunes album when I can buy the same thing at Target for $10 and get the physical media and liner notes and everything?

So yeah, get off my lawn.


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