Monday, March 2, 2009

This is the conversation I had with my daughter a couple of nights ago as I was tucking her into bed. She's four.

DAD: Amy, this room is a mess! Why is it so messy?

AMY: Because I just like to play with all my toys.

DAD: Well, why don't you put your toys away when you're done playing with them?

AMY: Because I just like my room to be messy.

DAD: Well, when your room is this messy you can't even walk from the door to your bed.

AMY: I just don't like walking places anymore.

DAD: You don't like walking? How are you going to get to your bed?

AMY: I'm just going to fly.

DAD: Oh really? And how are you going to do that?

AMY: [deep in thought] ...I'm just going to need a bird costume...


Cheryl said...

ha ha ha! she is so funny.

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