I've started a blog several times, but I always seem to come back around to the realization that writing well and having something to say are two different things.
I don't have any particularly keen insights on the minutiae of daily life, and I've never been successful at keeping a journal. So I've abandoned all attempts to try and make this some kind of online diary.
Last time I tried blatantly ripping off Dooce and writing a letter to each of my kids on their month-birthdays. (I figured even I could do just four posts per month.) I wrote a killer post about Benjamin's manic personality and then proceeded to procrastinate Michael's entry until Timothy's was due, and before I knew it, they were piling up. I don't need that pressure.
So here's my new strategy. Link Aggregation. I do it all day anyway--I poke around online and IM interesting links to the guy I share an office with. Now I will just be sharing my favorite links each day with the rest of the Internet.
Or maybe not each day. Maybe once a week, or once an Olympiad. There's no pressure.
Alright, enough stalling, time for the inaugural link:
There are many addictive flash games out there, but the sound and animation in this one cause it to stand out. My high score last night was 58,000 and change.
A Quick Anniversary Note
6 hours ago
760,XXX! Wee-haa!
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