I'm always on the lookout for new desktop wallpaper images. I have a few favorite sites that I use, but this article in Smashing Magazine introduced me to several more. I'll probably spend a few days looking through all of them.
Wallpaper tip: For best results, you want a wallpaper image that already matches your screen resolution, so you don't have to mess with stretching or tiling or anything else that degrades the image quality. To determine your screen resolution in Windows, right-click your desktop, click Properties, click the Settings tab, and there should be a box labeled "Screen resolution" with a slider bar in it, telling you your current resolution (usually something like 1024x768 or 1280x1024 for standard monitors, or 1050x1680 or 1200x1600 for widescreen). When you go wallpaper hunting, you can usually narrow your search to images of that size.
A Quick Anniversary Note
6 hours ago
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