Friday, October 3, 2008

Popular Mechanics has a list of 100 skills that every man should know. A lot of them even have videos, which is handy, because I have no clue how to brew my own beer (#17). (And that wasn't the only skill which immediately reminded me of Clint.)

I was especially interested in #15: Use a Sewing Machine.

One of the most elegant mechanical devices in the home, the sewing machine can be used on camping gear, light tarps, kites and myriad other manly stuff.
I grew up watching my dad sew. You start out sewing on your scout badges, then you're sewing stuff sacks and other camping gear, and before you know it you're making Jedi costumes for your kids.

Speaking of, I think I'm going to be hemming tablecloths for our upcoming client appreciation dinner at work.


Jeanine said...

I've just had an Epiphany! I have always felt weird whenever Dan asks me to sew something for him. It should be normal for a husband to ask his wife to fix a button, or mend a ripped seam, right? But now I realize that it seems weird because I grew up watching Dad do his own sewing! That's IT! Thank you Adam, and thank you Popular Mechanics!

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